
McDaniels’trash talk is on fire

Some one said that Josh McDaniels’ trash talk is the talk of the league.
The Denver Broncos’coach exchanged ideas with the playes with chargers jerseyduring warmups Sunday, at one point telling them, “We own you!”those very players lead the Chargers’ 32-3 beatdown that knocked Denver out of first place in the AFC West.fellow coaches saying they had never heard of this happening before and at least one star player suggesting they should be allowed to fight back with fists and not just their mouths when taunted by an opposing coach.“As a coach, I hope he has that mindset, but to say you own us? You beat us one time,” said Phillips, who is five years younger than McDaniels. “How much has he really done in this league? He had a team 6-0 and now he’s looking up at us in second place.”
Respect is very important.

